Our Profile

“The more knowledge you get, the more questions you ask.
The smarter you get, the more you realize that everything can be possible.”

Georges St-Pierre



Enrich Knowledge is a concept born out of two words, knowledge and fun because that’s what Team Enrich Knowledge is all about. Fun learning for the professional course of Chartered Accountancy halves the stress, multiplies the efforts of the students and adds value to their path of Success.

Education knows no limits and if confined to restrictions, then that actually doesn’t serve the purpose of education; henceforth we try to reach most of the students overcoming all the hurdles and geographical and linguistic barriers at our best possible. We try to give a Midas touch to every subject we touch and add ease to the prestigious course you have opted for. We help the students to confidently kick open the nutshell that safeguarded them and power pack them to face the world.

Currently involved in Chartered Accountancy Course, our methodology of teaching is to focus on depth of subject including coverage on every aspect as well as the examination; keeping our in depth explanations simple enough for the students to understand and master the art of concept application perfectly. A wide variety of revisions and tests are undertaken by us to gauge the level of preparation of the students.

We ourselves being Chartered Accountants understand what it takes to reach the final destination and come out soaring with flying colors.

We stand by the phrase ‘Enrich Knowledge’ and like always our results speak for themselves thereby adding substance to our belief and proving to you the materialized form of ‘Enrich Knowledge’.